
Buying: Going Big So You Can Go Home

You’re making a big decision. You’re thinking about buying. Now what?

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Deciding To Buy A Home

Here are a few things to consider that will help you get Big Results.

  • Define your needs and wants. What can you live with or without?
  • Brush up on types of home ownership. Which option is best for you?
  • Understand market conditions. I can help!

Choosing The Right Agent

Buying a home is a big move. Here’s how I make a big difference:

  • Educating you about current market conditions
  • Guiding you to homes that fit your wants, needs and budget
  • Coordinating the work of other professionals you’ll need
  • Negotiating with the seller on your behalf
  • Making sure all the required paperwork is accurately completed
  • Working with you to resolve any challenges that may arise

Building The Right Team

In addition to a real estate agent, there are a few other pros whose help you’ll need. I can help make recommendations for:

  • Home Inspectors
  • Real Estate Lawyers
  • Mortgage Brokers

Making Big Plans For Financing

Planning ahead is the big key to success. There are a few things to keep in mind.

  • The size of down payment you can make
  • Knowing what you can afford
  • Getting pre-approved will help you plan and protect you against rising interest rates

Ready for a life beyond what you’re living, bigger than what you see?
Contact me to get moving.

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Finding Big Results With The Right Home

Not every home is meant for you.
I’ll help you find the right fit.

  • Choosing the right neighbourhood. I’ll help you find options, with everything you need.
  • House hunting with a second set of eyes. I’ll help you assess your options thoroughly.
  • Viewing open houses with open eyes. You don’t have to wait until a home inspection to identify glaring issues.

Making Your Big Offer

I’ll help you put together your Offer to Purchase and navigate every step.

  • Not all offers are the same. Firm or conditional? I’ll help you decide.
  • Negotiating. I’ll make sure you get the best possible price, closing date and honour any other conditions you need in place.

Closing On A Home

Closing day is a big one. And it can be overwhelming. I’ll help you coordinate your closing fees. There’s quite a few of them.

  • Mortgage application fees
  • Inspection fees
  • Legal fees
  • Insurance fees
  • Registration fees
  • And more…

Up Next : Big Results

Let’s get you, your new home.
Set up a buyer’s consultation with me.

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Royal LePage

A proud Canadian real estate company since 1913.

  • Royal LePage has a service-based culture and comprehensive suite of services which sets us apart from our competitors.
  • Royal LePage continues to be the real estate company of choice with 18,000 agents in over 600 locations across the country – including the big man you can count on, for Big Results.

“For the majority of Canadians, their home is their largest investment. Minimizing one’s risk is not only prudent – it’s essential.”